• Radha Krishna Mission, Sarada Nagar, Narsipatnam - 531116
  • +919886116123

Theory of Change

The project aims to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable communities in 784 villages across Chintapalli and Munchingput blocks by ensuring sustainable access to safe drinking water. These communities face challenges in five key areas: water security, water quality, source sustainability, water governance, and wastewater management. Despite government efforts through the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), gaps remain in achieving reliable water access.

VJNNS seeks to bridge these gaps by empowering Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs) through a training program, supporting the development and execution of Village Action Plans (VAPs), and collaborating with local bodies (PRI, CBOs) and government stakeholders. The project aims to ensure 100% Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC), regular water quality testing, and sustainable water sources through springshed and groundwater recharge activities.

A key component of the project is scaling the intervention model. VJNNS will conduct bi-annual workshops for peer NGOs operating in the region to replicate the intervention model in other villages. This ensures that the project’s approach can be expanded beyond the initial target areas.

Additionally, digital IEC materials will be developed and circulated to other villages and blocks, increasing awareness of best practices in water management and sanitation. This strategy will extend the project’s reach to over 150,000 indirect beneficiaries, in addition to the 135,649 direct beneficiaries.

The expected results include improved water access, institutional empowerment, sustainable water sources, and effective wastewater management. By empowering local communities and enabling other organizations to replicate the model, the project seeks to create long-term solutions for water-related challenges, improving health and quality of life in rural and tribal communities.


To improve health and well-being in 784 villages by ensuring sustainable access to potable water through targeted interventions in water security, quality, governance, waste management, and capacity building for peer NGOs.


  • Trained Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs).
  • Village Action Plans (VAP) uploaded to Jal Jeevan Mission portal.
  • Support from PRI, CBOs, and other stakeholders.
  • Springshed activities and groundwater recharge efforts.
  • Bi-annual workshops for peer NGOs to replicate the intervention model.
  • Digital Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials for wider dissemination.


  1. Water Governance:

    • Strengthening VWSCs through training and supporting the creation and execution of VAPs for 784 villages.
    • Collaborating with PRI, CBOs, and stakeholders to implement and monitor water management systems.
    • Supporting villages in managing Operation and Maintenance (O&M) post-FHTC completion.
  2. Water Security:

    • Ensuring 100% FHTC through community efforts, fund mobilization, and filling infrastructure gaps in villages where JJM work is incomplete.
  3. Water Quality:

    • Conducting regular water quality tests and taking necessary remedial actions based on test results.
  4. Water Source Sustainability:

    • Implementing springshed and groundwater recharge activities to ensure year-round water availability.
    • Establishing nurseries for reforestation and source protection.
  5. Wastewater Management:

    • Promoting effective graywater and wastewater management practices at the household and village levels.
  6. Workshops for Peer NGOs:

    • Conducting bi-annual workshops to train peer NGOs operating in the area to replicate VJNNS’s intervention model in other villages.
    • Sharing insights and lessons learned through these workshops to enable scaling the approach across more geographies.
  7. Digital IEC Materials:

    • Developing digital IEC materials such as guides, videos, and tutorials that can be distributed to other villages and NGOs in neighboring blocks.
    • Circulating the materials widely to ensure awareness and adoption of sustainable water management practices across more regions.


  • Functional and empowered VWSCs in 784 villages.
  • 100% access to safe drinking water in target villages.
  • Regular water quality testing with quick remediation for contamination.
  • Sustainable water sources maintained through springshed and groundwater recharge.
  • Effective graywater and wastewater management systems in place.
  • Peer NGOs trained and empowered to replicate the model in additional villages.
  • Digital IEC materials distributed to villages and blocks, extending the reach of water security practices.


  • Improved health and well-being through reliable access to potable water and enhanced sanitation.
  • Empowered local institutions (VWSC, PRI) capable of independently managing water systems.
  • Sustained water sources for year-round water availability.
  • Broader replication of VJNNS’s model by peer NGOs across additional villages, expanding the impact.
  • Increased awareness and adoption of water management and sanitation practices through digital IEC materials.


The project will lead to long-term improvements in health and sanitation in 784 villages and beyond, through direct interventions and broader replication. The workshops for peer NGOs and digital IEC materials will increase the outreach, bringing indirect benefits to more than 150,000 additional beneficiaries. This model of sustainable water governance and management can be scaled to other regions, reducing waterborne diseases, improving livelihoods, and enhancing quality of life for vulnerable communities across the region.

Document with theory of change in detail: LINK